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July 13, 2010

Father support on TV3

Dan Brown, a young father being supported by the Father & Child Trust, was interviewed on TV3 about the new “In Your Hands” DVD produced by Great Fathers.

Daniel Brown TV3 13th July 2010

Brendon Smith on TV3 13th July 2010

Brendon Smith on TV3 13th July 2010

Auckland Father & Child support worker Brendon Smith was also interviewed.

“It’s not easy to get dads to ask for help, or even admit that they need any help,” says support worker Brendon Smith. “We’ve produced magazines before, there’s some great books for DIY fathers on how to be a dad. You might say that the DVD, music & the interviews, it fills that gap.”

Dan Brown is also featured in the NZ Herald where he talks about the DVD and Dave Owens talks about his motivation for creating it.

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