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Waitakere’s Focus on Fathering Week

By Brendon Smith

After the issuing of free disposable cameras to local schools, this year’s celebrations began with a presentation supper at the council buildings.

Mayor Bob Harvey opened the week and he pointed out how this initiative is closer to his heart than any, as a one-time father’s book author, plus his wife is a midwife!

Organiser Elaine Dyer explained how they understand that for the city to be healthy, fathers need to be valued, along with their organisations.

Reformed biker, but now Pastor Alfred Ngaro spoke well about his travels, from tough young man to strong, happy father, while even father’s champion Rex McCann found something of interest at the resource table.
Pio Terei of Parents Inc and Cindy Kiro shared local stories about how lucky they were, sometimes, to have Alfred Ngaro’s father around too!

Corban’s winery hosted a playgroup theatre event, Kelston Community Centre hosted a Disabled Dads evening along with a fascinating session on how teenage daughters need their dads, plus the West City Mall hosted the entire photo exhibition, with a few fathering advocates..

All in all, with the father’s day picnic and overnight Journey to the Falls, witnessing more large kauri on a day than I’d ever seen before then dad stories around the fire, this year’s celebrations were surely the best week ever, for Waitakere fathers.

Next: Fairytale Dads

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