Focus Group Meetings Held
The Office of the Commissioner for Children is currently undertaking consultation with the community for their “Fathers Who Care: Partners in Parenting” project.
The project aims to find out about the views of men, women and children about the role of the father. A nationwide survey will be held next year.
The office has asked local groups and organisations in the major cities to organise “focus groups” of 8-10 fathers or mothers. The groups are coordinated by Human Rights Commissioner Rae Julian and participants are asked questions about their (or their partner’s) fathering, difficulties and possible solutions.
One such focus group was held among Maori inmates of a prison in Wellington.
The results of the groups will be used to develop a comprehensive resource on fathering and to develop questions for the national survey.
The office has also identified 40 or so “key informants” who will be closely consulted throughout the project.
The Father&Child Trust is involved in these consultations along side other organisations, so please make your views known to us.