Baby Time Dads
- Eight Tips For All New Dads
- What Babies Learn From Dads
- Bonding With Your Baby
- Ante Natal Class Guide
- A Supportive Partner
- Talking Teamwork
Father’s bond is vital

Mike Bailey and baby
Special things happen to a man when his baby is born. The early bond between father and baby is vital for a child’s long-term health and well-being. Dads’ hormones change and relationships alter, roles are redefined and we know that dads need to celebrate this momentous time.
Our emphasis is on helping dads to be a good partner, know how to help in the first few weeks, be involved and bond with baby. We also help family services engage new dads better, and to help both mums and dads understand quite how important the father-child bond is.
Resources for new dads
- The New Babies Edition of Father & Child magazine is included in the Bounty Pack as a special Welcome to dads with a new baby.
- Our Dads and Babies talk offers some amazing insights on how dads and babies affect each other, and how and why they are so good for each other.
- Our Dads and Babies booklet is designed to help family service providers go beyond the cliches and really get into helping mums and dads work together the way they want.
- We are involved in postnatal depression initiatives nationally. Our new ‘Why Dads’ booklets include reasons for dads and how they can help with babies and toddlers plus long term benefits of involved fathers.