Cliff Shepherd Reports on Dad Support in Christchurch
Cliff Shepherd has been Father and Child Christchurch Support Worker for five years, and manages Father and Child’s Discovering Fatherhood and Anger Management Correspondence Courses.
Cliff has three children of his own, and is a trained school counsellor. He maintains a garden and bikes to work nearly every day to keep the worst effects of aging at bay.
Cliff Reports
Numbers: At Christmas 2017, I had 58 men on the waiting list to do courses, as of today I have 11.
I have averaged sending out 64 modules per month of our correspondence courses over the last 6 months with nearly all men doing both the Anger Management course and the Parenting course. In that time 32 men have completed courses and gained certificates. About 50% of the men would be Maori.
I see in my office about 32 men per month with the main problem being access issues to children for Dads from families breaking up.
This can involve dealing with Oranga Tamariki, the courts, probation, and helping dads with the whole court process. Next would be supporting solo dads with their parenting, and then parents seeking advice in bringing up their kids – e.g. young kids hooked on porn or the internet and play stations.
Measuring success is always difficult but its interesting how word of mouth still brings in clients from all over (even Australia). It’s interesting the number of prisoners who upon release will come in to see me.
Client Feedback: A couple this month –
“Waz premo all round Cliff str8 up thank you so very much for taken me on yr programme from the bottom of my heart you the man”.
“Thank you Cliff. I know this course is working. I now have my kids asking me what they should do if things are tough at school. It’s a beautiful thing to know my kids can come to me even though I’m in here and can ask me for direction. Makes me proud and I can still be a father and one that is proud.”
I think these would be typical comments that I get from the men.
Hope this is helpful,
Regards Cliff
PS Cliff is also helping with the Dads Group on Saturdays in Christchurch…
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