Father and Child at ‘Men and Relationships’ Conference in Wellington
Kids Need Dads National Conference July 12-13, 2018
Kidz Need Dadz are hosting a conference on ‘Men and Relationships in 2018 – Te tangata me te whanaungatanga i roto i te 2018.’
Key Note Speakers include Victoria University’s Chris Bowden, Children’s Commissioner Judge Andrew Becroft, Minister Of Children, Honourable Tracey Martin and Oranga Tamariki/Ministry for Children Deputy Chief Executive Hoani Lambert, plus ‘Male Survivors Aotearoa’s Philip Chapman.
Father and child will be hosting a workshop on ‘Mums and Dads – Working better Together’ and we’ll be part of a panel discussion on day one, very interested in all the speakers.
Is there a link between IRD/Tax policy, WINZ policy, Perinatal Mental Health and teenagers in suicide statistics? Are we failing a generation of children by refusing to connect these dots?
We look forward to you joining us at this critical event –
Titiro matou atu ki a koutou hono tatou i tenei hui tino.
After you have registered we will be in touch via email to capture dietary requirements and any other additional information.
Email: wellington@knd.org.nz
Ring : 0508 CALL DAD (2255 323)
Presented in partnership with Father and Child,
Guardians of our Children, Raukawa Whanau Ora,
Inspiring Stories, Essentially Men,
Canterbury Mens Centre, Manline, Whirlwind
and Male Survivors Aotearoa
Conference Fees: $230.00 per person (incl morning/afternoon tea & lunch both days)
Conference Dinner: $40.00 per person 12 July at venue 6.30pm
Accommodation: $64.00 per person per night incl breakfast (avail on site Wed and Thursday)
The event will be held at Scott’s college,
Click for location and details here…
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