Waitakere ‘Focus On Fathering‘
Waitakere City is holding a ‘Focus on Fathering Week’ again, building on last year’s events.
This year’s celebration, coordinated by Promoting Great Parenting, Violence Free Waitakere and the Waitakere City Council includes free mall displays, seminars and Health Checks, all ending with the Fathers Day picnic, from 9—2.30 at the Tui Glen Reserve.
The opening dinner, to be hosted by Mayor Bob Harvey, will include singers, entertainers and guest speakers Pio Terei, Cindy Kiro, and Alfred Ngaro. Telephone 837 4849 for $15.00 tickets, be quick as seats are limited.
An overnight ‘Journey To The Falls’ retreat, for fathers with their ‘tramping aged’ sons, sets off at 2pm on Saturday 6th, plus midweek evening forums are planned for Pacific fathers and disabled Dads.
Further Fathering Week fun will include a photographic display in the West City Mall and evening seminars at the Kelston Community Centre on Tuesday 2nd plus, any men can check out a Health Bus in Railside Ave for free tests.
Please note – at the Father’s Day picnic, be prepared to help as this is a combined day with Project Twin Streams.