CENTRE FOR PUBLIC POLICY EVALUATION Superannuation in New Zealand - Compulsory Retirement Savings LINKS: Office of the Retirement Commissioner Super Talk - Lots of recent debate, etc.. Reports of the Task Force on Private Provision for Retirement 1991-92 Retirement Income Policies -1997 Periodic Report Group
As an alternative perspective to the Todd report, look at Social Security Privatisation in Britain: Key Lessons for America's Reformers. It compares the UK and US systems. Issues Papers for the Minister for Senior Citizens, prepared by the Senior Citizens Unit, October 1996 Address by the Hon Jenny Shipley, Minister of State Services, to the National Council of Women Northern Regional Seminar, "Superannuation and Compulsion", 10 May 1997. Address by Deputy Prime Minister the Hon Winston Peters, Treasurer, to the Insurance Institute's National Conference, 13 May 1997. Elections: 1997 Referendum - Compulsory Retirement Savings Scheme Ara Nui: Aotearoa / New Zealand : Retirement Savings Referendum Comment on Private Pensions from the OECD Demographic and other data are available from the New Zealand Official Yearbook On The Web (1999) Note also: New Zealand Survey of Older People in 2000 You can see some discussion on the valuation of superannuation in part 3 of "Women, Families and Unpaid Work". COMMENTARIES: Some provision for retirement is necessary -
There might be some value in comparing the proposed scheme to previous ones in New Zealand:
Comparisons could also be made with schemes overseas:
Maoris The Losers In Winstons Annuity Gamble (press release by Hamish Anderson) Compulsory retirement savings and matrimonial property (comment by Stuart Birks) Some Possible Effects of the Proposed Retirement Saving Scheme (media article by Professor Chris Moore, focusing on the impact on the pattern of savings) The Superannuation Debate (comment by Stuart Birks) Prepared for web by Stuart Birks | CPPE Home | Policy Issues |Last Modified : Thursday, March 14, 2002 |